Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sammy, my niece, and I bought paint by number kits this past summer. She eventually went back to California and I toiled on alone for a time.
However, it didn't take long for paint by numbering (PB# for short) to take hold among my friends Janna, Jill, Cindy, and even Brigham.
Its the new thing everyone, get into it now before it sweeps the nation and then you can say, "I was doing it before it was a nation-wide craze."



Monday, September 19, 2011

That reminds me of a story that happened 5 years ago...

During BYU's Education Week I typically walked around with a walkie talkie clipped to my back pocket. This was one of those heavy duty walkies that weighed a ton and had a decent range that reached at least as far from the Wilk to where I took naps at my apartment. (I figure the statute of limitations is over on that little bit of incriminating evidence)
So that is the background:
Anyway I went to use the restroom one afternoon during a class break and ended up standing in a queue to use the urinal. When it came to my turn (at the middle urinal of course) I unbuttoned my trousers and immediately had the weight of the walkie, still clipped to my back pocket, take my pants straight down to the floor....with about ten other bathroom goers standing immediately behind me.
What do you do in that situation?
If you're like me you just lean into the situation, act like you absolutely intended to have your pants on the ground, and then challenge society to rethink its stodgy antiquated urinal rules.