Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Enjoyed the Weather

California is warm. All in favor of moving Utah to the coast say "aye".
Ya, I thought so, unanimous in the affirmative from Utah residents and a resounding silence from Californians. (Can you imagine if Utah and California got married? It would produce residents with the pride and superiority complex of Californians and the self-righteousness of Utahns. We'd be unstoppable.)

On Balboa Island, just walking. My hair was super long and unkempt.

Taking the ferry to Balboa Island. You have no idea how frightening the simple prospect of riding a ferry is to an individual who can't swim.

For fans of Arrested Development, a frozen banana stand. "There's always money in the banana stand."


The Young Family said...

You pretty much just described my kids. Thanks!

Mateo said...

You look a lot like Tiger with the shaggy hair.

Matt H.

Joe said...

Tracy and I have totally been there! Balboa Bars are the best.

Unknown said...

you'll never guess....
an arrested development movie was just announced.