Saturday, April 26, 2008

Life is good

It's common knowledge that I have a love of animals, small furry ones in particular. So when information crossed my desk that a local petting zoo was hosting a Baby Animal Birthday Party, and well it was obvious that I would be going.

Babies, children, three college-aged students, suspicious parents of those children, and all manner of farm animals came together to celebrate life.

Baby goats = Adorable and as soft as you imagined

I about cried when I found this little guy. Only my fear of a future background check by a potential employer revealing that I once kidnapped a goat, kept me from jumping that fence.

And what would a birthday be without cake? And what would cake be like after having not just spent an hour petting farm animals? Perhaps we'll never know.

And a special birthday kiss.


Scotty B said...

Logger you never cease to inspire me to new and greater causes than those in which I am currently engaged. I like the one of you kissing the goat - more lip action than you've seen in awhile I imagine. . .

bbond said...

this made me think of:

one of my favorite service things on the mission was helping at this humane society for cats and dogs, donkeys, horses, goats, and one sheep. i helped there for 6 months. in honour of my comp and i they named two baby goats after us: brig and aric. i was honored.

Rad Ryan said...

did you happen to see any baby Gerbil's?? I know you have a special attachment to those little critters.

Unknown said... and jill look cute together...oh and so does that other dude and the baby goats.

Max said...

Reminds me of a question that my Stake President asked me when I went on my mission. It was one of "those questions" that he was supposed to ask boys that came from the farm. Grandpa Wimmy had a milk cow with the prettiest brown eyes.......