Thursday, June 12, 2008

Painfully short

As you may or may not be aware of, about two and a half years ago I had an exclusive girlfriend......for exactly two weeks or four dates (whichever came first.)

She will deny that it meant anything, she'll say it was an assignment for a class, she'll swear up and down that it was purely the means to an end (the 'end' being an A.)

But I know better..........

Happy birthday Jill

(I would put up a picture of Jill and I at this point in the post, but every great picture of Jill and I is already up. She may be the most represented woman on my blog in pictures.)

In lieu of a picture I present some highlights from our Facebook conversations (probably the best FB Wall-to-Wall entertainment out there)(Seriously, we're hilarious)


Greg said...

"The highest fishtail ever?" Eeeww! The facebook wall is hilarious.

Jill said...

we ARE funny. haha, thank you for the reminder of that. and thank you for the birthday shout-out on your blog! I feel so honored. and thank you for telling the whole world of your blog readers our "relationship" history. And I neither admit nor deny any of your allegations.

Unknown said...

I KNEW YOU WERE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER. guys. you both want it so bad it hurts.....anyhoo....happy bday jilly (although i already told you) and logan, get crackin' on that.

Mateo said...

An open letter to all females who know my little brother Logan (and especially this "Jill" person),
Please for the love of all things holy marry this boy. Don't let looks get in the way. If you need another reason, check out the "Matt and Jenny" blog and look at the picture of my 3 kids at their aunt's wedding. Have you ever seen more beautiful children? My point is, us Holmans make adorable babies. If that isn't reason enough to marry Logan then I don't know what is. Also, as a federal government employee I think I can grease the skids to get those monkey waiter permits.