Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We're a hot blog

Ok, so this blog is not actually the hot blog I'm talking about.
Chris and I recently posted out 'Top 15 Albums of 2008' on our Whale in a Cubicle blog. (WIAC for short)
...and apparently people looked at it. 694 people that day to be exact. And that was enough to put us as one of the 'Hot Posts' on the music aggregator site ELBO.WS

Unfortunately, we did come in behind the song 'Jizz In My Pants.'
Unfortunate and mostly just awkward.


Jill said...

Have you ever heard Jizz in my Pants? Some might call it inspired.
Either way, congratulations. You can go ahead and count me as #695. Or #1 since I saw it before it was posted.

Rad Ryan said...

I went to whale in a cubicle and i ji...nevermind.

Joe said...

Wasn't that an abandoned OWG song?