I sit here writing this waiting to hear whether or not I'm being turned down for a custodial job....again. Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time in the last few weeks that I've agreed to clean up vomit and urine and been told, "No thanks."
Doesn't do a lot for a man's self-esteem.
But I'm trying to stay optimistic, I am headed to grad school in a couple of months.
Realizing that few people want to hire someone for two months I've started looking elsewhere for employment options. Channeling my entrepreneurial spirit I've decided to go into business for myself or maybe more accurately I'm going into the business of my self.
So ya, take a gander, if you see anything you like, make me an offer and remember the listed prices are only estimates. I'm open to haggling (although if you get too low I may just break down into tears, which are a nickle a piece)

$2500 for that hot piece of man. I bet the ladies are lining up already. Oh, wait. This is the first comment. Good luck buddy.
Let's see, what have mom and I already bought in the last few months...?
There's nothing wrong with whoring yourself. Hope it goes well. I too have been turned down for janitor jobs and at one low point was even turned away from a plasma donation center. That's rock bottom.
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