Saturday, December 12, 2009

Join the party

This is what we all received at my final in National Security Policy. We spent a lot of time talking about the Cold War, Deterrence theory, and Mutually Assured Destruction so the instructor thought this was only appropriate.

One of the exclamations that you may not be able to read, "Beware the repressed Communist Party animal who is really a proletarian in denial masquerading as a bourgeois Cold War monger!"

I spent the next morning tracking down a case of this stuff to bring home to Josh. (Two liquor stores and one delightful specialty store later, success.)
And Joe Weston, if you still follow my blog, trust me I've tried to think of a way to send a bottle to you.

It should be noted that one thing I did not need after a pretty tumultuous finals week (and the week before) was more soda.


Joe said...

LOGAN! Shouldn't this soda be free? Compliments of the party? How rad. You always find cool stuff. Thanks for the shout out, I feel pretty proud to make it onto your blog, with all of its whit and humor.

I still get depressed every time I think about what you get to study in school compared to what I had to endure.

Jill said...

At first I thought you were just re-using that picture of all the coke cans from a few posts ago. But no. This is a new one. Don't they promote recycling in California?

The Leninade is awesome. Don't get too hammered and sickled.

Emily Conkey said...

Do you really have a picture of Mr. Rogers on your counter? If so, you rock. If not, that man on your counter really looks like Mr. R and could possibly make his millions in cardigan commercials.

Janae said...

Can I just say that I love that you still have the Mr. Rogers picture in the background...I hope I get to see you in Utah soon!

D said...

I'll bet that is refreshing beyond belief. Just like the man.

Ms. Poulson said...

I love this. A lot. I cannot tell you how much I adore it. There's something Sprite is missing...I think it is the blood of the masses.