Thursday, July 15, 2010

I hate spinach

Evidently my fascination of goats originated early in my childhood. Perhaps this is at an early incarnation of the 'Baby Animal Birthday Party' that I would attend as an adult. (I can't being to imagine what parents would have thought about a college student wandering around a petting zoo alone, that's why I brought Janna and Jill, it turned me from 'deranged lunatic' to 'mild eccentric')
You can see Nicholle straining to keep a hold of me. Its a shame really, cause I'm about the perfect size to actually ride that guy.


The Young Family said...

I have awesome hair. That's all I have to say.

Unknown said...

OHMYGOSH i may or may not have attended a baby animal party this summer.
they are just so irresistible.

Kristy or Josh said...

I really do hate spinach, Grandpa Holman really had me pegged at an early age.