Saturday, February 16, 2008


I've been sick. Who knows whats wrong with me, I think I'm dying, but thats just wishful thinking. Sadly the only positive would be that I'm flying on painkillers, but even that is ruined by the acute feeling I get that the individual fibers of the carpet I'm currently lying on are making fun of my hair. But thats ridiculous, my hair looks incredible.
I've got at least three things wrong with me:
First: Splitting headaches. (thus the painkillers)
Second: Congestion that must have originated from the bowels of Lucifer himself.
Third: Menopause. (Hot flashes, cold sweats, irritability, fatigue, loss of libido, etc etc)

Ok, maybe not the third one so much, but my point is that men win.
Seriously, pregnancy, menopause, etc etc. Yikes. The worst thing we have to worry about is nose hair (and I'm pretty sure I've seen women with that too.)

And speaking of sick people, here is the license plate of the urologist at the hospital in Marietta, Ohio where I used to help out. Enjoy.


Kristy or Josh said...

Cry me a river women - men have to pay for everything! And when I say everything I mean everything! Holiday's, birthday's, Anniversary’s, Date's, Gas for your car because guys always drive, house payments, car payments, health insurance, car insurance, life insurance, random meals, and of course presents we have to buy "just because". I'll take the hot flashes thanks.

Jenny said...

Alright, Matt is in D.C. right now for a work conference, staying at a Ritz Carleton. I am home with a teething baby that cries 11 of the 12 hours he is awake, a 4 year old that pee'd on the rug because he was laughing too hard whilest naked, and a 6 year old that refuses to do her homework. Josh - remind me to smack you upside the head next time I see you. Logan - sounds like you've got a yeast infection man.

lindsy said...

okay, I have to log onto the holman family blogs every now and then for a good laugh (sorry Logan, this is Jenny's sister ...). You guys are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow. Confession: I laughed really hard...and showed my roommate. Just wow. :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

By the way, I'm referring to the picture, not laughing at your pain.