Monday, March 17, 2008


I've hit a new Facebook milestone:

My friend's mom just added me as a friend.

I am a huge fan of milestones. I love defining moments. My last milestone was eating seven items off the Wendy's Value Menu in one sitting, and before that milestone was my birth. Yup, big fan of milestones.

I just don't know how I feel about this. Granted it is Karole Price and who wouldn't want to be friends. Although every time I'm in her presence I feel like I'm one smart-alec comment away from getting smacked. And rightly so, Karole brings the wit and charm out of all of us and I'm pretty sure she has smacked me before, so the precedence is there . (Probably deserved it.)

So my friend's mom is on Facebook, what's next?


Greg said...

holy crap your dad's profile is hilarious. I hope you showed it to him!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Greg. So funny. And I'm truly honored that my mother could be a milestone in your life. :D

Unknown said...


Peg brought up this option at the dinner table and was verbally abused for several minutes before she rescinded the notion... sorry, Peg, we just wont allow it. Other moms can though- I just don't need my mom cyber smackin me for all the crap she would read...

Jill said...

can i be f-book friends with your dad? and am i correct in reading that his religious views are "Church Nerd?"

Niels said...

dude... no joke, the other day my dad requested me to be his friend on facebook. yeah... i rejected him.