Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our future senators?

In the Teaching Assistant offices, all of the disciplines within the social sciences share a large common room where we can meet with students and administer tests and quizzes.

The Poly-Sci kids are loud and intolerable. (Somehow this doesn't surprise me)

I heard the following words used over and over again during one conversation:

Ugly chick
Fugly chick
Dudemeister (not said in jest)
Hottie chick
Smokin' hot babe

So I left them the following note:


dancethemagic said...

I second Logan's assertion. They have no control over the volume of their voice. Zero. And their conversations revolve around girls or Flight of the Conchords. Love Bret and Jermaine, but not desecrated by the Poly sci kids. Future senators indeed.

Kristy or Josh said...

Did they reply to this note?

Mateo said...

Wait, I thought the terms "social science major" and "job opportunity" are oxymorons.

Unknown said...

omg i almost peed my pants