Wednesday, May 13, 2009

WiAC hittin' it big

So if you don't follow the music blog Chris and I run (Whale In a Cubicle) then you probably don't know that we're being featured on Break Thru Radio as their 'bloggers of the week.'
Each day this week they have been featuring one of our posts and then Thursday they'll be streaming a radio show titled 'Anatomy of a Blogger' featuring us and a bunch of bands we picked out.
It was pretty fun. They had a bunch of questions for us to answer like, "Why is it called Whale In a Cubicle? What do we think about the internet and its effect on music?"
Ya, fun stuff like that. So check out 'Anatomy of a Blogger' on Thursday.
Kind of exciting for us.


bbond said...

good drawing. still a very funny idea.

Kristy or Josh said...

Pretty sweet stuff on that break thru radio very informative. Nice work!