Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pros / Cons

My classes are 4 hours long. Add travel time and its even longer. We are given a break midway through and I usually take that time to eat a pb&j sandwich.
It became a staple, so much so that my classmates and professor noticed when I didn't have one.
For ease, I used to pack an Uncrustable. I debated whether I should buy Uncrustables during my quarterly trip to Costco. I was torn.
I made a pros/cons list in the little book I carry with me to determine whether I should buy them or not.

I didn't end up buying them. For obvious reasons.

(I also did some self-editing. I was ranting about why I hate poly-sci majors.)

1 comment:

Jill said...

ahahaha! "Delish!"