Thursday, January 22, 2009

I coke you too

We've never been one of those families that says "I love you."

We do love each other, at least I think we do, if we don't it just makes the fact that we pick on each other so much really sad and probably unhealthy.

I went and saw my parents tonight and as I left I said, "Why aren't we one of those families that says 'I love you' in situations like this?" (Maybe I secretly wish we were one of those families...I don't know.)

They both replied to this by saying, "I love you Logan." However the sarcasm at that moment was pretty overpowering.
My mother then added, "Why do I need to say 'I love you' when you can look out in the garage and see a fresh twelve-pack of coke waiting for you every week?"


bbond said...

awesome. so you. so your family. so your way cool mom.

Scotty B said...

I hope you know that my love for you extends even beyond a 12-pack of coke.

I hot and runny 5-dollar IBS-in-a-box takes 7 minutes to start working, eat with potatoes you...

donelle said...

Hahahahah. The only thing that would make that better is if it were diet coke.

Mike and Jana Black said...

Awwww, that's so sweet of your mom. See, she knows just what you like.

Chong said...

I'm sorry for my lack of stalking abilities and that I was not aware of the so called 'logg blogg'; however, our name fits our blog much better because honestly, who spells blog with two g's?! I mean come on